Cosmo Starlight Era

Essential Oils

How do they work and where do they come from?

Essential oils are natural aromatic essences extracted from plants – known and used for thousands of years. They have versatile applications, allowing us to take care of our physical and mental health, as well as our spiritual well-being. Each essential oil can have a beneficial effect on our body, mind, and soul. Personally, for me, aromatherapy and essential oils themselves are another miracle of natural medicine and holistic self-care. By combining several oils, a stronger blend is often obtained, where individual components work in synergy.

Proper use of Essential Oils

They can be used in many ways. They not only have beautiful aromas but also various properties and applications used in natural medicine. Natural essential oils are liquid, volatile mixtures that mix particularly well with oils and alcohol. They are obtained from fresh or dried parts of plants – leaves, flowers, seeds, stems, roots, bark. The most commonly used process is steam distillation. In this case, the by-product of production is hydrosols, also called floral waters. Sometimes essential oils are also produced by extraction, pressing, or phytolysis. Enfleurage – cold absorption in fats, or one of the newest and perhaps the most expensive methods involving the action on the plant with supercritical carbon dioxide, results in the oil being obtained very quickly, and it smells almost identical to the original plant. However, the most commonly used method is still the distillation process. To obtain 1 liter of oil, up to 200 kilograms of various plant parts are needed, which means that the production of some of them is also very costly. Therefore, natural oils without any artificial additives are considered noble products, and their effects are heavenly and often miraculous.

What are essential oils?

Essential oils are mixtures of volatile substances secreted from whole plants or their parts. Oils at room temperature are oily but clear liquids. With water vapor, they are volatile. They contain ingredients with boiling points from 50 to 320 degrees Celsius. They practically do not dissolve in water and are soluble in fats and ethyl alcohol. Their density is usually lower than that of water. They can be colorless, greenish, navy blue, yellow-orange, or brown. They always have a characteristic, intense, often very pleasant aroma.

How can essential oils be used?

Essential oils can be used in several ways. Through inhalation, topically, and some of them can be taken orally. The choice of the appropriate method should be tailored to the goal we want to achieve. Essential oils can be used as an addition to baths, for skin massage, or added to balms, refreshing mists, tonics, facial masks, soaps, and scrubs. Many oils also have skin and hair care properties. Such use of oils has a great influence on well-being and wonderful mood. Some oils are also natural deodorants and have cleansing and supporting properties. They are most often used:

  • On the skin – preferably after dilution in good quality neutral base oil. It is always a good idea to do a patch test, especially if you haven’t used them before – because in their pure form, they can sometimes cause irritation for various reasons.
  • For aromatherapy baths – a few drops of oil should be added to a bathtub with warm water and salt.
  • For massage – essential oils diluted in a base oil provide an incredible therapeutic effect during the treatment.
  • For inhalation in a fragrance burner, diffuser, or inhaler depending on the needs.
  • For Meditation

In addition, they are used in the cosmetics and perfume industry. You can create your own natural perfumes, cosmetics, scented candles, soaps, and cleaning agents using them. Good quality oils, because only those are mentioned here, can also be successfully used in our diet when preparing balanced meals.

In a nutshell, essential oils are used everywhere – in the cosmetics, food, perfume, medical, and pharmaceutical industries.

What is aromatherapy?

It is a natural therapeutic method using essential oils. Our ancient ancestors used plant-derived scents for air purification, whole body and hair care, wound healing, and various diseases centuries ago. In those times, oils were more valuable than gold.
Today, many people also believe in the effectiveness of aromatherapy. Many doctors also appreciate it. Many believe that the therapeutic or medical use of essential oils in holistic medicine greatly supports healing processes. Personally, I have been in love with oils for many years and have been using them very successfully in various situations and on various occasions. Besides, Aromatherapy is very pleasant, and just for this reason alone, it improves our well-being and mood.

How does an essential oil differ from a fragrance oil?

It is important to distinguish these two concepts from each other. Essential oil is a fully natural, obtained from plants. And fragrance oil is a completely or partially synthetic product, which deprives it of the health-promoting properties characteristic of essential oils.
When buying essential oils, caution should be exercised. Carefully read the label, which should contain the exact names of the ingredients with botanical names from which they were obtained.
It should be noted that high-quality essential oils are not always cheap. A lower price can often be associated with dilution of the proper essential oil with vegetable oils or alcohols. Synthetic additives should be avoided, which truly natural essential oil does not require and does not have.
A good source of essential oils are reputable and recommended places, so in order to find the highest quality oils for yourself and successfully use them both externally and internally, I invite you to a free consultation where I can share the brands that I have been using very successfully for many years on myself and my loved ones, both bipeds and quadrupeds, i.e. on my pets.

Allow Yourself To Live Better

If you want me to help you in your inner transformation, I invite you to contact me. I offer a free consultation to understand your problems and choose the appropriate method that will help you most effectively.